Because of a retail center’s transient nature, fire suppression and alarm designers must give special thought to the changing configuration of stores as new tenants try to modify the architect’s original plans. The fire protection system must be code compliant, yet flexible, most-times aesthetically pleasing, and as accommodating as possible.
Consulting the fire protection designer at a project’s beginning of a construction project pays off in the long run. When a contractor integrates the fire suppression and alarm systems into the building to begin with and is confident they meet code, your company saves costly modifications mid- or end-project. From the start, ETD drawings provide clear, flexible and accurate designs and precise code interpretations. We plan the systems specifically to meet your fluctuating requirements, and we produce the drawings well within your construction deadlines.
ETD designers create shop-type, easy-to-understand fire alarm drawings that provide all the documentation necessary for submitting plans to your local fire marshal or building department. As well, we consult with your local AHJ to make sure the plans meet all national codes and local amendments.
No one likes costly surprises. With our drawings in hand, a business owner or contractor can confidently request bids to install the fire protection system. You can be assured that all bidders know your project’s criteria and bid accordingly.
No one avoids all mid-project questions and glitches all the time, but at ETD, that’s our goal. But, you can rest assured that, if any design related issues do arise, we’ll stick with you to the end of the project and solve it.
At the same time, Elevated Technical Design takes your safety and your business operations more seriously than just code considerations. We conduct constant R&D to keep abreast of the newest, most innovative products and procedures. We’re never afraid to think "outside-the-box." In fact, sometimes we even "create" the box! We care about your bottom line and always look for the most cost-effective, compliant applications.
Since our designers have industry-specific experience and have been actual participants of a construction process, we know what’s required. We save time, your business saves money. In many cases, the funds we help you save may be enough to pay for the design and submittal process.